Self Discovery Through Unexpected Redundancy

Human Imprints New Discoveries Through Unexpected Redundancy

A photographic mosaic of the human experience. With ManButur Suantara.

The Contemporary Human on a Timeless Stage

Art film installations, colour theory, body paint and the wisdom of Wayang. With Dibal Ranuh and Dr. Gusti Sudarta

Art and Unity Sawidji Explorative Space

Wannabe by Gabriella Okki Art and Unity Sawidji Gallery Open Call

Featuring works by Gabriella Okki, Windujati, Andika Darmawan and Komang Edy Erawan

Behind Kala & the Guardians lies a ‘Leap into the Void’

kala and the guardians Bumi IV Sawidji Gallery Exhibition

The themes behind Kala & the Guardians and looking at the advent of conceptual photography through the works of Yves Klein.

A Bridge To Self, Painting a Meditation

A Bridge to Self a painting meditation by Dewi Dian Reich Sawidji Gallery

Explores the similar fates we have designated to works of art as we do ourselves. Perhaps the reason that art can be a healing path back to the self.