Commodifying Culture

Transformations of culture reflected through changes in Balis' Ogoh-Ogoh. A conversation with Anak Agung Gede Putra

Condong and the Energy of Inclination

Condong, the Energy of Devotion Sawidji Gallery by Dewi Dian Reich

Balinese Dance. A rich traditional heritage in a social climate of changing inclinations.

Awaiting Hanuman

Awaiting Hanuman, The Living Masks of Bali Sawidji Gallery Dewi Dian Reich

The Living Masks of Bali. Hanuman, a mask in progress. A look into the making of the mask of Hanuman and our love of a cherished symbol of devotion.

A Bridge To Self, Painting a Meditation

A Bridge to Self a painting meditation by Dewi Dian Reich Sawidji Gallery

Explores the similar fates we have designated to works of art as we do ourselves. Perhaps the reason that art can be a healing path back to the self.

The Subtleties of Topeng Keras

Sawidji Gallery Balinese Masks Topeng Bali, article and photography by Dewi Dian Reich

Explores what lies within the character of 'Topeng Keras'. One of the sacred Masks that appear in Topeng Babad. Amongst Bali's oldest and most sacred Dance Mask Rituals.