World Without Sound, an Anthology

Sawidji Gallery World Without Sound An Anthology Art Exhibition

An Anthology of Reflections through Art on a World Without Sound. I

Dancing Memories of Wayang Wong

Sawidji Gallery Art and Culture Articles. Wayang Wong. Dewi Dian Reich

Shared memories of the mysterious nature of a unique ancient tradition. The Wayang Wong of Pura Taman Pule.

Awaiting Hanuman

Awaiting Hanuman, The Living Masks of Bali Sawidji Gallery Dewi Dian Reich

The Living Masks of Bali. Hanuman, a mask in progress. A look into the making of the mask of Hanuman and our love of a cherished symbol of devotion.

The Subtleties of Topeng Keras

Sawidji Gallery Balinese Masks Topeng Bali, article and photography by Dewi Dian Reich

Explores what lies within the character of 'Topeng Keras'. One of the sacred Masks that appear in Topeng Babad. Amongst Bali's oldest and most sacred Dance Mask Rituals.

Listen to the Signs, Cultivating Inclusivity

Sawidji Gallery Listen to the Signs Dewi Dian Reich

Listen to the Signs. Reflections on Inclusivity and the true meaning of Equality with Sushrusa Deaf School. International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Finding July in September

Finding July in September Sawidji Gallery. Artwork by Gede Juli

Building community, making memories and trusting dreams... a Sawidji story.

Contemplations at Mengening Temple

Meneging Temple. Pura Mengening Bali

Pura Mengening. Contemplations on the significance of Water and Purification in Balinese Culture.

‘Red Chair and the White Room’, a Collaboration

Red Chair White Room Sawidji Gallery Collaboration

A Sawidji Collaboration: Red Chair and the White Room. A collaborative presentation that looks upon current social and cultural changes through a symbolic portrait narrative.

Perang Pandan, Another War Entirely

Perang Pandan Ceremony Another War Entirely

Perang Pandan. Tenganan Pegeringsingan Traditional Village. Its A precious living tradition fighting an entirely different war.

Lontar Our Ancient Books

Lontar our Ancient Books

Introducing Palm Leaf Manuscripts. Its history and process. Featuring the Lontar Library Museum, Desa Adat Dukuh, Karangasem Bali.

Gunung Kawi Temple, Witness a Thousand Years

Gunung Kawi, Going Back a thousand Years

Gunung Kawi Temple, Witness a Thousand Years. Of Stones and Trees. Our Sacred Places in the Quiet Days.